A series of artworks based on the fables, these short stories through which the characters almost always animals with human traits, they told us his story with a moral conclusion, becoming not only a few lines simply entertained, but trying to give us a teaching, a lesson disguised as fun. A literary genre that today has been relegated, and unjustly fallen almost into disuse, in a society where moral lessons are more necessary than ever.
In the branch of a tree,
While proud and happy,
with a cheese in its beak
was Mr. Crow.
Of the smell attracted
a Fox very master,
said these words,
or more or less:
"Have you good morning,
Mr Crow, my owner;
which you are so comely,
nice-looking, cute extremely;
not spending flattery,
and I say what I feel;
if your beautiful appearance
corresponds warble,
together with the goddess Ceres,
bearing witness the sky,
that you're the Phoenix
of their vast empires.”
Upon hearing a speech
so sweet and pleasing,
drifting by vanity,
Raven wanted to sing.
He opened his black beak,
he dropped the cheese;
the very cunning fox,
after it has been caught
said, "Goofy Lord,
as without any food,
stay with praise
so swollen and full,
digesting the blandishments
while I eat the cheese. "
Anyone who hears flatterers,
never wait another award.
A couple of readings of this fable, through the prism of my interpretation: People who are able to say anything to get what they want, and people who listen to flatteries which then happen to be just for interest ... and secondly those tremendous egos that are unable to recognize their faults but they swallow any virtue that hang in them .... life itself, too actual, in all areas.
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